Valari Gaming Pillow Review Thumbnail

Sebastion Mauldin

[email protected]

Valari Gaming Pillow Review

Reading Time: 4 minutes

So often gamers are introduced to accessories that promise to change how we game. To be honest most don’t and we go on with our lives. The latest to make such a boast is the Vallari Gaming Pillow. A video game accessory designed to allow for longer gaming sessions by neutralizing pain and discomfort. So does the Valari Gaming Pillow achieve its goal? Should you cop one? 

Let’s dive into it. 

* I was provided A review unit Pillow to review. 

So as some of you may remember I talked about this Pillow during my Pax Recap episodes. I talked about how I was going to have to come up with a scheme to convince my wife that this was a needed purchase. Thankfully the good folks at Vallari came to my rescue and sent me the Master Chief Legendary edition to check out. 

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Valari Gaming Pillow Review – Image 1

What is it and How Does it Work:

So let me describe what it is. The Valari Gaming Pillow kind of looks like the airport pillows that you see people have around your neck, but sleeker and put around your midsection. So you sit down on the couch, place the pillow around your waist, grab your controller, and play your game with your arms resting in front of you on the pillow. 

 This is how Valari describes it:

“Our gaming pillow has been designed to take the weight of your forearms, removing the pressure from your shoulders and preventing any strain in the neck from building up while you play, creating the most comfortable gaming experience while eliminating poor posture and its associated aches and pains, such as neck, upper back and shoulder pain.” 

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Valari Gaming Pillow Review – Image 2

My Experience:

So I played quite a few multiple-hour gaming sessions using the Pillow.  Here are my findings. First I started off by playing Star Wars Jedi Survivor. A game with a lengthy campaign. I put about 4 hours into the game without a break and I was completely comfortable. The pillow is comfortable, lightweight, and soft. It feels like having a regular pillow in your lap and it doesn’t feel restrictive. I can completely move my entire upper body and way that I want and the pillow stays in my lap. It was a good first impression.  

To make sure it wasn’t a fluke occurrence I did the same thing while playing Horizon Burning Shores. I played through the entire DLC’s story and my arms didn’t get tired. Recently I played Planet of Lana, a gorgeous puzzle game that is about 5 hours long. Played the whole game while using the Valari Pillow. Did I still move my arms a bit, yes but it was mostly out of habit as opposed to my arms getting tired. 

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Valari Gaming Pillow Review – Image 3


When Gaming in a PC chair in front of a monitor this becomes a lot less useful. If you are a gamer that plays with with a mouse and keyboard then this isn’t the item for you.
Sure you can put it on your desk but the bulkiness then takes up so much desk space. Also with Gaming on a PC, even with a controller the arms of your desk get in the way and makes everything feel cramped. This accessory was designed for the couch play for sure.

Another con that might turn off some is the price. The legendary Valari Pillow retails for $70. This is indeed a gaming accessory that leans toward being a luxury item. Having experienced it thoroughly I can say that the benefits might be worth the investment, but that depends on your budget.

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Valari Gaming Pillow Review – Image 4

Overall/Should You Get A Valari Gaming Pillow:

Ultimately that depends on your budget. If you can swing the $70 to buy one then I’d recommend that you get one. It makes long gaming sessions a comfortable experience. I’m now sitting up straight while gaming on the couch and my arms don’t feel any strain from long gaming sessions. I do think that PC gamers should probably skip out on this item. With the arms of PC chairs involved it feels like a squished experience. If you’re a console gamer who plays on the couch or in an armchair then you should check out this accessory. The Valari gaming Pillow provides such a comfortable experience that it will change how you play games. 

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Here is a Link to the Pillow to check it out:

Single Player Experience on the Valari Gaming Pillow
Sebastion Mauldin

Valari Gaming Pillow Review


A Gaming Accessory


The Premium Feel, It Genuinely Works, The Easy of Use


Cost Might Turn Some Off





Overall Rating: