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Sebastion Mauldin

[email protected]

CorspeKeeper Review

Reading Time: 6 minutes

I always enjoy finding a game that combines elements and genres in a unique way that I’ve never seen before. The latest one is Corspekeeper. Imagine if I told you there was a fighting game roguelite that feels like For Honor mixed with Bushido Blade. That shit is Bananas right?!? Well that is Corspekeeper. So how is the game, who is it for and should you play Corspekeeper? 

Let’s dive into it.

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CorspeKeeper Review – Image 1

The Narrative:

The story unfolds with you portrayed as a necromancer sworn to the service of demons. Utilizing the demons’ sway, you manipulate a young prince into instigating a devastating war, plunging the realm into turmoil. As the prince undergoes his coronation within the grand cathedral, a ritual ensues, allowing the demon to seize control of his body. However, it’s revealed that you, having switched allegiance, facilitate an opportunity for a human assassin to wound the demon now residing within the prince. With the demon weakened, it erects a protective barrier around itself. Over the subsequent fortnight, you must amass an army of undead soldiers to challenge the demon to a decisive confrontation, wherein the outcome will determine the fate of power and influence.

All this is given to you at the beginning of the game in text and that is the most story that you get. Once you get started with the gameplay itself it seems that all notion of storytelling is thrown by the wayside.

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CorspeKeeper Review – Image 2

The Gameplay:

The developers, Melancholia Studio, describe as such: Corpse Keeper is a very challenging action RPG with tons of strategy elements. You’ll need to lead a squad of three corpses to explore the grim and dark medieval world within limited time, acquire resources and equipment, build a powerful army of the living dead with enemies’ flesh and bones, and finally kill the demon lurking in the deep end of the cathedral to hunt his soul. I would say that this is a fair way to describe the game. You play as the Corpse Keeper, navigate a 2d world by going from room to room encountering items to help you build your undead army and enemies that you take on mono e mono.

The gameplay is utterly addicting, combining a old school Mortal Kombat look with a Bushido Blade meets medieval Dark Souls gameplay. If all that sounds weird as hell it is because it is. Let me layout how this game works:

Alright, so picture this, right? You’re diving into this game, Corpse Keeper, and it’s like stepping into a world where fights are laid out in this old-school 2D fighting game style. But here’s the twist, you’re not out there duking it out yourself. Nah, you’re the puppet master, the necromancer pulling the strings from the shadows, hidden until your undead army starts throwing down.

Now, don’t go thinking this is a walk in the park. Nah, this game’s got that Dark Souls vibe, where every fight’s like trying to crack a safe. You gotta study your enemy’s moves, figure out their patterns, and then strategize your way to victory. But here’s the kicker, each type of enemy you face corresponds to a specific kind of corpse you can raise. So, it’s like you’re building your own little army of the dead, each with its own moveset you can study and master.

But here’s where it gets dicey. You step into a brawl with some new foes you haven’t raised yet, and it’s like dancing on thin ice. Their moves are unpredictable, unfamiliar, and you’re stuck in this cramped 2D space, dodging and weaving in this narrow hallway. Dodging only gets you so far ’til you’re backed into a corner, waiting for that split-second chance to roll to safety – if you’re lucky.

And that’s not even the half of it! This game’s got this posture system, see? Get smacked around enough times, and you and your opponent are left wide open for a beatdown. It’s all about timing those parries just right, knocking your foe off balance, and then laying into ’em with everything you’ve got. But hey, don’t forget, defense is just as crucial. You gotta nail those dodges, those parries, those rolls, or else your precious undead army starts falling apart, decay setting in with every hit.

So yeah, Corpse Keeper ain’t for the faint of heart. But hey, if you’re up for the challenge, it’s a hell of a ride.

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CorspeKeeper Review – Image 3

Additional Pros:

Now, let’s switch gears to the art style, ’cause that’s what smacks you right out of the gate. Corpse Keeper’s got this vibe, mixing cel shading with all this gothic flair. It’s like a blast from the past, like you’re back in the glory days of the Playstation 1. And let me tell you, that art style? It’s downright iconic. You take one look at a screenshot, and boom! You know you’re dealing with Corpse Keeper.

But hey, props where they’re due – the sound design? Now that’s where the real magic happens. You got these crisp, distinctive sounds, like metal clashing and flesh tearing. It’s like the game’s whispering sweet nothings in your ear, reminding you just how much each hit stings. It’s those little details that really seal the deal for me.

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CorspeKeeper Review – Image 4


When we talk about what might be the weak link in this game, we gotta point fingers at its roguelite elements. See, you’re juggling this whole resource management gig, making sure your undead army’s decked out with fresh gear and whatnot – all kept in check with preservatives, flesh, and bone dust. Then there’s this blood vial upgrade system, right? It’s kinda straightforward, letting you toss in some blood for a leg up in your next go-round. Now, here’s the kicker – the game ain’t expecting you to nail it on the first try. Nah, it’s banking on you biting the dust a few times before you hit that sweet spot with enough resources to take a crack at the big bad boss.

Another aspect that didn’t sit right with me is that I don’t think it does an amazing job at explaining it’s systems well. I know that there is a lot going on, but it felt like it could have been explained in a simpler way.

But hold up, ’cause here’s the hitch – that UI, man. It’s like they took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in Clunkyville. You’re squinting at the screen, trying to make sense of it all, and half the time, you’re just mashing buttons in frustration ’cause the UI’s playing hard to get. And don’t even get me started on the lack of tooltips. It’s like they expect us to be mind readers with all these symbols flying around.

Now, let’s chat about the tunes. The music’s… well, it’s there. You get that spooky vibe when you’re gearing up or exploring, but it’s nothing groundbreaking. And when you’re in the thick of it, the soundtrack switches to this epic mode, which does the job, but come on, couldn’t we mix it up a bit? I’m getting tired of hearing the same old tune on a loop.

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CorspeKeeper Review – Image 5

Overall/Should you Play CorspeKeeper Review:

If you want to try a fighting game roguelite then this is a game that is a good, but not great recommendation. It has elements that work together well and make this unique concept shine, and then it has set backs that marred the experience a bit. Corspekeeper has quite a few blemishes, but I’m glad that this game and concept exist. If you can get past its issues there is a lot of fun to be had raising your army of bob and weave Corpses.

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Reviewed on PC

Disclaimer: Review code provided by PR/publisher.
Sebastion Mauldin

CorspeKeeper Review


Single Player, Fighting, Fantasy, Roguelite


The Concept, The Fighting, The Artstyle


The Roguelite Elements,


Melancholia Studio


PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S


May 28, 2024

Overall Rating:
