Archives: Game Reviews

Forza Horizon 5 Review: From a Noobs perspective

Reading Time: 3 minutes Reviewed on the Xbox Series X and S I’ve never been a fan of racing games. They’ve never spoken to me as a gamer…. Well Except for Mario Kart. Throwing a shell at someone and driving past them is a level of pettiest that warms this Grinch’s heart.  For years now people keep telling me…

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Flynn: Son of Crimson Review

Reading Time: 3 minutes Reviewed on the Xbox Series X and S Sometimes in life you find something, whether it’s a game, movie, song, etc… that is a mixture of things that you loved from your past. Like a good homage to the what you’d consider the classics. Flynn Son of Crimson is very much like that with video…

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Kraino Origins Review

Reading Time: 3 minutes Reviewed on PC  Disclaimer: Review code provided by PR/publisher. Every once in a while I’m in the mood to play a retro SNES styled game. So when I was booting up Kraino Origins I was excited to see how this game would scratch that itch and how it would stand out on with its own…

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Blood Waves Review

Reading Time: 3 minutes Reviewed on the PS5 Do you remember when everyone was playing Call of Duty Zombies? Well Blood waves is a game that is hoping to bring back that magic and feeling. So does the game live up to the highs of COD’s Zombie mode? Is Blood Waves a good single player experience? Here are those…

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