Which Anime Would Make a Great Open World Game – Ft. Adriun The AthGeek (Lofi Version)

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Which Anime Would Make a Great Open World Game Ft. Adriun The AthGeek

In this episode of the Single Player Experience Podcast Sebation and his special guest, Adriun the AthGeek is talking about the anime that would make great Video games. Specifically which Anime would make an amazing Open World game. If you like video games and anime then this is the episode for you!

We’ve got all this and more on this episode of the Single Player Experience!

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Sebastion Mauldin


What's up, and welcome to the Single Player Experience Podcast, the premier podcast for single player gamers, to find out about good single player games to play and to talk to those people who are actually playing these single player games. And today we're doing the latter and we're going to do a cut, like a listener question. Well, so I had a person writing in just like you can either on the single Player experience Discord server or through the pro no report.com, and send me your shoutouts, send me your questions, let me know what you think I'm doing. Right, wrong, everything in between because you just like DJ anime could be featured on the show. And so DJ Anime wrote in. Like I said, just like you can and asked what anime do you think would make a good open world game? And that got me thinking to myself. I'm like, Sebastian, maybe I can research a whole lot of anime, cuz I watch, uh, quite a lot of anime myself. Maybe I can do some extensive research, put some thought behind it into a solo episode, just crank one out real quick and, and call it a day. But I thought, nah man, this, this kind of topic demands an expert in the field. So I reached into the bag and reached into my, my contact list and got out the anime expert that I know. And that's Adrian, the AF geek. Himself, Harrison, and he is an expert because this man legitimately will watch all the animate every single season, from bad to good, to everything in between. He watches pretty much everything. The man damn near burn himself out on Animate, and at this point, but I digress, he's here on the show to talk to us and to give us his expertise into this question. So Adrian, thank you very much for being on the show. how you doing? I'm blessed and highly favored. I can't complain. And thank you so much for doing this. Um, I gotta, I gotta say before we get started, you've been on the, again, been a guest on the show. We did a persona five deep dive. Really good episode. Everyone go check that out if you haven't already, especially if you're remotely interested in persona five. But you know, for the people who didn't get a chance to catch that episode, can you give a little introduction of who you are and what you do?


Uh, yeah. Um, I am the host of the Athlete Geeks or Athletes in Geeks Collide, as you can tell by the Celtics beanie here. I'm a big sports fan, grew up a Celtics fan, grew up watching everything, you know, B A N F L, everything. I'm a season ticket holder for the Spurs since I live out in San Antonio. So I try to catch as many games as possible.


But congratulations to you, by the way, on winning the draft with the Win B win draft.


Yeah, that's gonna be, I can't wait for opening night. It's gonna be exciting. I'm definitely gonna be there rooting, but yeah. But, um, since I'm a lover of anime, I'm a lover of sports, I was like, let's bring the worlds together and that's where we got it. That's where


I come in. I like it. I like it. So what, what's your favorite genre of anime?


My, Hmm. I would say, I would say if it was anime wise, I would, I'm more of a slice of life, romcom Okay. Kind of person. Um, if it's manga, I'm more of a sports, I love my sports mangas and everything like that. And if it was going into light novels, I'm more of into a akai reincarnation type.


Okay. So all, all across


the board basically. Yeah. I I I get around.


Yeah, I understand. I understand. So, you know, to answer DJ Anime's question here, I, you know, I sent out, I sent the request out to you, and I thought to myself, I'm like, he's gonna have so many different answers to this, but this is kind of a cool but weird question because, you know, we already do kind of have a lot of different, a adaptations like animes turned to video games. Uh, you see like Dragonball Z we probably had like 50 of those games. You, we've had quite a few Demon Slayer games. We've had quite a few of, um, nato, gosh, we've had so many NATO games and then just Storm. Yeah, for sure, for sure. But they always usually lean towards it being either like through like three dimensional fighting games or like the traditional, like one V one, almost like street fighter style fighting games. So I'm interested, um, like open world games, we don't quite see those as often, so which anime do you think would be really good in that space?


Well, I, when I was thinking about this question, I, it, it just brought up other questions. So my whole thing is one, what studio gets in, what's their vision? Oh. Cause I feel like it's a, one's easy to fumble this because we've seen, think of one piece, Odyssey. Would you consider that


open world? I mean, kind of, but not really kind. I mean, it's open, but Yeah. Yeah, to an


extent. To an extent, yeah. That's what I'm saying. But look how that kind of fumbled like that, that didn't make the, that didn't wake the anime fans and the one piece bands just fall in love. Yeah. So that's what I'm saying, like, it's hard to get it right because certain animes can't do that. Right. Hey, you, you kind of can't do a one piece because of how the show is. It's just not gonna like their power system. The power scaling. Like when I think I was like, hunter hunters slides, NATOs, those are hard for open war world games. So I was like, I think we have to get as basic as basic can be. And I started thinking of it like, okay, kind of like the question of what kind of anime world would you want to be into? And it's like, well what kind of person are you? So I was like, let's keep it simple and go into Pokemon. It's simple. Pokemon already does kind of the open world, but they don't do it right. Yeah. I would think it want to be a open world, like truly open up to world to where it's 3d. I think they're starting to move in the right direction where like Rcrc is and everything like that where you can look around. But I still think they haven't fully embraced the open wildness. And I think with Pokemon, with there's being so many regions, there's so many Pokemon, you can just walk around, you see it everywhere. I think that would be the first one I'd want to start with and see how it goes. And depending on how that one actually got it done, I would want to open it up to other anime and start seeing how they do.


Okay. Okay. I like that. I like that. Let's, um, let's play some developer Bingo. So we like, okay, so let's say, let's say we had Insomniac, um, developing this game. And Insomniac for, for the people who don't know are the creators behind the ratcheting clank games. They've most recently did Spider-Man and Spider-Man, miles Morales. They, they're out here doing the Lord's work, as far as I'm concerned, cuz they put out some beggar games, uh, with those two, um, franchises. But they're also creating Wolverine right now. So let's say Insomniac the one, what I consider one of the hardest working studios in the business right now, got the leeway to do an open world game. I, you know, I got. Because I, I think this is an interesting question. I do agree with you. Pokemon could be more open, but I also see this as an opportunity to maybe share, like spread some love to some anime that don't quite get the, the love that they deserve. That maybe like, maybe we need to see them more so in video games. And I think Ronan Kenshin is one that I think should like, it, it getting that open world treatment with like a ghost to shima type style to where like you can almost like an el ring type style as well. Like I can, I can really see that as well. What do you think about that one?


Uh, I can, I can understand where you're going with that one. Mm-hmm. Cause that was gonna be my next type of thing. Like if it's like a martial arch type where you can have it like that then, or sabar or anything like that, that kinda works. Um, I think it's just mainly with like the power systems is when there's the complicated power systems is when it doesn't necessarily like, Work and speaking of that, but are, are you excited for not to go off track? Why are you excited for the 2023 remake of that, uh, this season coming up? Yeah,


you know, I, Ronan Kenshin is um, almost like a, it's almost like a black mark on my record cuz I've watched, I've watched it halfway through so many times, but I, for some reason something's always gotten my attention and I haven't completed the gauntlet. But yeah, I think like, you remember how Tri Gun just got, it's like reboot very recently? Yes. Yeah. I, I think if it got that kind of love and treatment, that Tri gun got, I, I wanna see what a modern day run Akin could be like. Cuz I think maybe. You know, I love the classic art style that the original had, but maybe if we gave it a facelift and maybe we updated some of the voices, did a couple of, some TLC here and there, maybe this might be the, the give that I, the give or push that I need to actually like watch this series the whole way through, you know? Well, yeah,


you got two weeks and it's coming out, so I ain't got,


I ain't got long to wait, do I? Nope.


But I can understand, I can see one like that though. I, I, I honestly could, that's why I was like thinking right here in my head, I was trying to think of more like samurai style, like sewers men type ones and ones animes that provide a lot of world building. Because, no, no. Like a lot of the popular ones, yes, they do provide the world building, but it's through the main character's, um, eyes to where we don't really see the side characters and see like the other worlds. Like one I would, I would also like to see is that time I got reincarnated as a slime. Oh, it does


really well. So dope.


Yeah. Yes. Cuz it does really well in world building to where you see all these other locations and you're like, you could start anywhere and it with a open world. I don't wanna, like, would you consider khara like the kra You consider that open world?


I mean it's, it's, you know, they put the open world label on it. Yes. So I, I get where people are coming from there, but it doesn't quite feel open to me.


Exactly. That's why I was, that's why I was about to go with that. Like, it doesn't feel that way. And I feel like slime could like hit that because of all the different locations you still have to explore and all those other things that they, the, the series focused on building those other locations rather than just being like, we're following the main character right here, here, and here. So one like that idea, I can also


understand. I love that idea. I think that's very fresh and you know, I love the, the thought there cuz Yeah. I, I think like you are, I think you were right on the money when you initially said you wanted to do something like Samurai based because it's like grounded, it's sort of likes, has that realistic element to it to where you, you don't get like, super absurd with powers and such like that to where like, it really almost doesn't make sense to have that open, have this character in an open world game. But like Yeah. I, you know, I, I wanna, I wanna give you your flowers for that one. That's, that's a really good thought. I, I think, um, slime would be a good one. Um. Like the, what was the one that got rein coordinated as a spider.


Oh yes. Reincarnated as spider in the cave and the dungeon. That would be a really good one as well. Yeah, I could see that one because it kind of already explains like the, a lot of the basic, a lot of akais would go


well into game. Oh yeah, for sure. Obviously,


because they show us the skills and they show us different like that. So it's like, okay, we have something to base it off of instead of playing the guessing game. Yeah, yeah. So that we have this based on, okay, these are the skills, these are your abilities and you can build your character a certain way, hit this way or that way. Whereas I'm still just trying to figure out like an open world game for some of these bigger franchises. I just can't, I can't see it because one, you would have to make your own character. So it could be like going back to the Tin Kiichi series where you got to make your own character and go through that side story, but it still felt like you were going through the main story. I would want a unique story with it, and I was like, How does that really go in, like how does your powers go in, how do you really like scale to these other characters? And I'm, I'm just, I'm still racking my brain. I'm still trying to figure out like a big series we can go with.


Yeah. Yeah. You hit the nail right on the head there cuz like, I would love to see what one piece game would, could be like if you were not loopy, so to speak. Mm-hmm. If like, you got to create your own character, you got to like assemble your crew almost like, Have you played a Bethesda game? Like, um, elder Scrolls, like, or Fallout or and stuff or like Mass Effect? I have played, yeah, I played


Elder Scrolls and you suggested me Mass Effect. I started it, but I haven't


finished it. It is completely understandable that game's stupidly huge, but, um, yeah, almost like a persona style to where like you can assemble your crew and you can kind of get to know them and such like that. But maybe like, um, like on mass effect, you know how you had like a, that ship was your home base so to speak, and like you got got to like, interact with people. I would love to see like you getting like your own ship and you kind of interacting with, um, the different people, uh, and deciding like, oh, I want that person on my crew. Or like, Hey, I'm gonna save that person and then they're gonna be on my crew. And it's almost like you can assemble your own unique squad and it's not following the traditional one piece tale. Maybe like, Maybe like the world sort of slowly changes like throughout your story, quote unquote the story you go on. And it's also like maybe like instead of you starting on the east blue, just like you can start on the west blue while Monkey d Lu is starting on the east blue and it's like y'all are both like having two different tales in the same universe at the same time. You know?


Yes. But the thing about the one piece that I was just thinking about when I heard you going like that, how you're like, you can start somewhere else. It would be even better if you just that little two year period where, oh, the gap the straw had, yeah, the gap where they, they dis display it and then they were like, cuz the story says, oh hey, so many more people wanted to become pirates because they were inspired by Loy during. That is so good. Everything. Yeah, they could, they had the story right there. They'd be like, okay, we can have our own original story in between these two years because the straw hats aren't around. All these new pirates are coming around. That would've been the perfect time to be an open world. You're coming up, you're going around, and then they could bring in random pirates all the time. And people, you don't have to worry about the hardcore one piece fans being like, oh, well this is not Canada. These people aren't here. And it's like, well, you don't know because we didn't really see what happened in those two years. Oh, that's so, so you, you never know. You can have your own original story during that.


That is really good. I love that. I love that idea, man. You, we should be making some money right now. Like, look, we should be making some money right now. That is so good. I love that idea. Um, especially considering like yeah, like we could completely, cuz then you don't necessarily have to be like east blue, west blue, north blue, south blue or anything like that. You can just be living in that world inspired by the events of Monkey Deloy. And then you can fight like people that you've got that we've also seen Monkey Deloy beat and it's not necessarily like a bad thing. Like if we beat like what's his name, trickle Greco. Like the, the one who was like the, the zombie guy. Oh, um, um, gecko or whatever. Moria. Gecko. Moria, yeah. Yeah. Like it, we can beat Gecko Moria and like, it's not necessarily like considered taboo because he, when he lost, he didn't get thrown into like prison, just like crocodile and some other people. Like, you can go up against him, you can go up against some of the other like foes that monkey d lu went up against and completely new people with completely different, like stupid, um, devil fruit. Mm-hmm. I love that idea. I love that idea. Or you can choose


to just not go devil fruit at all and be like the, the red hair pirates. Like, like they, there could be like, okay, well you, if you wanna pick a devil fruit, yes, you could have all this, but. You lose the ability to be in water, but if you wanna like be able to go swim in the water and then that adds a whole nother element to the game, you be like, I don't want to go that way. And I wanna be strictly like using the sword and using hockey like, um, shanks or somebody like that could work as well. Or mehawk.


Oh, that would be so dope. You can choose to be a swordsman, a martial artist, like Sanji. Mm-hmm. Or, or maybe like, oh, maybe you choose to, or like one of the bounty hunters. Yeah. That'd be dope. Or maybe you're like a weapon specialist like USA or NAMI or something. Mm-hmm. Oh man, I'm loving this game. I'm loving this,


I'm loving this game as well. I needed to be made. I'm surprised it has been


made, man, that I, to me like it the term based, and I'm not saying it's not hard to do a term-based game. It's extremely hard to make any sort of video game nowadays. Mm-hmm. But like, if a 3D open world game is always gonna be harder than a term-based action adventure game, you know, like, of course. So, yeah. That's, That's just kind of, kind of the, the war we live in. Cuz like, I think like the closest we'd ever see a game like this being made is like in a persona style to where like, it'll be turn based. It'll be like, sure, you can go around, you can do the open worlds, but it'd almost be the one piece odyssey of it, you know? Mm-hmm. Yeah. So


I think, I think fans will be happy with that, but they'll always be like, they're, we want more. But also it's easier said than done think it is. Just like how you were saying it's hard to make games nowadays. Mm-hmm. Similar to like fans of sports. Like, they'll be like, oh, well they want this, you want this, and you're demanding this, but you don't really understand how complicated and how difficult it really is. Yeah, yeah. Which is like, yeah. So it's like with the, so it was like, yeah, appreciate the games. Yes, it could be better, but I mean, it's difficult. It's a difficult um, task. It's a difficult career.


Yeah, for sure, for sure. I'm like, we see, um, studios shut down all the time right now because yeah, it's, it's hard making these things. It's hard bringing these games and these adventures to life and, you know, so shout out to all the developers out there making our dreams come true. Legitimately. Literally, but, well, a hundred percent. Yeah, for sure. But, um, You know, let, let's, um, hone in a little bit and, and talk about some other anime that would make some really good open world games. Um, we, we mentioned the AKA thing, like, um, um, that, that would be really cool. Um, maybe a, I don't know what a open world demons layer would look like, if I'm being honest. I


think, I think the open world demons layer would be limited in a regard. Mm-hmm. Only because they have their, um, kind like the, they have the hoster, so it's like, yeah, you have to get here. And so if you're not one of them, it's kind of does it, you can and can't just go in as you own character. You have to, you would've to follow Toro and follow his story as an open world. And that, and not saying there's anything wrong with that, but it kind of takes away the creativity of it. So I think that would be harder. Um, I think another one, another popular one that we could do is, uh, like a simple one, like sorting order online, because we didn't go over all, all the, like how you, because one, there's multiple games you can go through. And so it's like whichever one you want to go to, wherever one y'all wanna start with. But let's say we start with the original and they're going all the way up there to the like the hundred tower a hundred, I believe it was a hundred levels of the floors. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. But they, we didn't see every floor. We didn't see every floor. So it's like you, you can, you can still build, do the whole thing of you can choose to go solo. You wanna build a party, build relationships. And that goes back to like that persona thing you were speaking of. You have to build a relationship. Let's say you went on a dungeon, like there's a requirements, obviously you go into dungeon a couple times with them or going to that floor, and then it's like, okay, you start building relat, you start talking, you build your own party. Cause there were so many parties formed throughout there. They had their own thing. But we only saw the major parties. Like the top parties. We saw those, some of those smaller like little parties, we didn't see many of them. They were just like, oh, some of the times they just join us and everything, but they have their own thing they're going through by themselves. And so we, you could just do that. And some of the floors that weren't, um, discovered, Just go in it like that. And it's not like, um, you can't figure out a concept for it. Cuz if you think of something like, um, I can't, the, or or like, just like think about it like God award, like the, I was thinking, I was looking up behind you. Mm-hmm. Like God award you, you have the, like the, the bosses right there. You have to defeat. You can do that. You just put them in that environment. You come in, you have your skills. And s a o didn't have too many skills. Like they weren't crazy overpowered and crazy like powers or anything like that to where it's like, you would have to think too much about it. You'd be like, okay, you could choose of these classes. And then you go in there and we go like that. I think that was another one that could go, that could work.


I like that idea. I like that idea a lot. Um, yeah, that there's a lot of really cool anime out there that haven't been, haven't received that type of love and such like that like, you know, we mentioned Dragon Ball getting like a, a shit ton of games out there. Like, uh, I would. If, if Dragon Ball was on this list for a true up in world game, I would want it to be Dragon Ball. I wouldn't want it to be Dragon Ball Z. I'd want it to be like, scale down like a younger kid, Goku that you kind of got to see and kind of got to live out his adventures. But like outside, like, um, other popular anime that haven't quite gotten, gotten enough love out there. I, um, let's see. Um, what is it, um, is it, what is it called? Is it taboo to date or date in a dungeon?


Oh no. Is it wrong to pick up


a girl in the pick up wrong The dungeon? Yeah. Pick up a girl in a


dungeon. That one, honestly, Olu would work because it has a similar thing as like, Hey, we have skills. You have a set. There's like ones with set rules that have power scaling and set rules could work. Dragon Mar Z, let's be honest that there, there's no rules. It's like you keep powering up, you just set surpass your limits. It's like, well, we need a set, like set of rules. If you follow these rules to go. Like, ones like that, ones like overlord, things like that. I feel like those are the ones that's like, Hey,


overlord would be so cool. That would be fun. Over would


be really cool. Well, I mean, overlord kind of already ha is because it's based off Dungeons and Dragons. Yeah. Mm-hmm. So it's like just the open world, Dungeons Dragon game. Like you, you have, you have the formula. So I think


that could work as well. Yeah, for sure. For sure. So like what is the, the game that will, the anime game that would be open world, that if they announced it tomorrow would get you the most hyped? The game right now? Um, yeah. Like if they announced it like this anime was coming to you as an open world and you knew it was being made by like a Bombass studio, you be hyped. What, what, what game would, or what anime would that be? Okay. Again,


I gotta ask a question to go with. Are we, are we just going to, how important are relationships in it? Because like I told you, as a romcom person and as somebody that loved persona, because I love the, uh, yes, I love the action. I love the exploring, but I love the relationship building. Okay, so how, how important is the company emphasize? Like if they're emphasizing that I, there's different ones I can go with, but if they're like, no, we're focusing more on, we want to build our story, we want you to go explore and everything like that. I have, I have


another option. Okay, so let's do one of each. Well, like say, let's do the one that focuses on the relationships and romance. Which one would you do? If we


were doing relationships and romance? I think I would go either that time I got reincarnated as a slime. Okay. Or only because I could still level up and be strong in my own way. Um, jobless reincarnation. Okay. Like I think that one would be fun or one like, um, God, I don't wanna say overload cause that, that, that I, like I was thinking overall, but I was like, honestly, if I'm just a regular person and I'm not eyes, I kind of get bodied by a lot of people by odd odds especially. Yeah. So I'm trying to, I was trying to think of ones where I'm like, I could be strong in another area and it be fine and it makes sense that I'm strong in those areas. So I think just for the start off, um, off the top of my head, I will stick with those two. Mm-hmm. And to go to ones, um, that doesn't really require relationships. I would go, one, I would stick, I would really just stick with Pokemon because I still think I'm, I'm a huge Pokemon fan. And the exploration of it, like, cuz you can go different ways. Do we want to, especially I told you I've been playing a lot of rom hacks lately. Yeah. So, uh, the fan make game, so I'm like, like we could go like, like the oak story. Like are we following like oak, like going back to like early Professor Oak, how he's, cuz that's one of the games I'm excited to play. I download, I haven't started yet, but I'm excited to play it. And it's like covering before Pokemon where popular before he invented the poke decks, everything like that. Mm-hmm. And it's like explanation. You find all these Pokemon, you're figuring things out, or it can be later on in the future and you're still like exploring all these regions. You're going at it at your own pace. You're doing everything like that. I, I'm just, I I'm on a Pokemon, um, praise right now. So I, I I think that would be the one Without the relationship, I don't think you need the relationships


in Pokemon. I like that. I like that. Um, what's the other one? Without the relationships?


Uh, no. Oh yeah, the, um, the Java Free Incarnation Mae. Okay. Because, love it. Cause that, yeah, that's, that's probably when season two's coming out in this summer, so its in a couple weeks. I'm so excited. Yeah. So like that's a, that's a good one. That's like, you could be strong in, in another portion. Cause Rudy isn't the strongest in the world right now. Mm-hmm. And even like, even like, so you don't have to worry about stuff like that. Same with, um, that time. Like I reincarnated as a slime rumor is strong, but he also lets you, if you want to be in the monster in his village, he has lots of strong people that even come on later in the stories, like in the manga and light novel that come on later and they're stronger and they slowly rise up there. So you can be like that, or you can be in a completely different territory, or you can try to become a demon lord on your own and start your own territory enjoying the demon Lords. Cause they're, I love that. I mean, yeah. So I like that one. And then, um, what's the other one I said? Um, Said, Muko. I said, the time I got reincarnated slime. And I said, one more. Um, I can't remember off the top of my head now. Oh, uh, cause I literally just said it too.


I, I pulled up my idea sheet and, you know, like when this was written in, like, I kind of, I hit you up and then I thought to myself, I'm like, which ones would I actually do? Which one would I actually choose? And here's what I kind of, um, here's some that I came up with and you let me know if you think this is crazy. Mm-hmm. All right. So my number one, or maybe I should go number three and maybe I should go in descending order. Build up some hype there. Build up some hype. Alright, so number three, fairytale. Even though it doesn't necessarily have, um, have like concrete power scaling, uh, open world, fairytale set. Like just like, uh, have you played um, dragon Quest? Like the Dragon Quest games? I


started it cause that was another one you suggest.


I haven't finished it. Yeah. No, you're never going to. It's


so long, man.


It's so long. Uh, but yeah, like Dragon Quest. Yeah. Like that one is if you have a game like that, I think like that might, might be appealing. I think. Um, the next one, another one that if you did Dragon Quest style, um, black clover might be pretty appealing to people. Um, here's one that I think is outside of the box and it's something, it's something I don't think a lot of people would think of. Uh, you remember Tokyo Avengers? Yes. What if Tokyo Avengers, you played as a main character and it's a G t A style type of game. I think that would actually be amazing.


Cause you have a bunch of rival games. I didn't even think of something like that. He have rival games and only one person is like changing stuff over there. Yeah. So you can still just go through a gta, a style. You're doing it that I think that one be And the add another one, GTA style. Roku, those, um, bad Girl. That's one came out last season. That's another one. I think that was dope. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's, that would work with the GTA style as well. I, I, I like that idea. I didn't even think, I didn't even think to go that way. Mm-hmm. But going back to the fairytale one, um, to start off with, I think that one be really good, especially with the guilds. Um, yeah. It doesn't have a concrete power scaling, but. You have a gist of everybody's power. Usually everybody has a su a concrete power. Yeah. So it's not like they're using any kind of power. It's just like, okay, I specialize in this and then I'm just powering up. Or I get, you know, you know, the, um, what's called plot armor where they mm-hmm. Can get stronger. But I feel like with a specialized power like that, that could also work. Black clover I think works too, because there's so many different kingdoms and you could go into one of the other kingdoms. You, you can be like, you can work on your magic and you can build up and still be over there. Because even like with us, like we focus a lot on, um, the clover kingdom. Mm-hmm. But those other kingdoms too, outside of obviously what's going on with the diamond kingdom now, but, um, The other kingdoms too. You can, you could be on one of those other kingdoms and you could be, um, training. You can do your whole thing like that. And you have your grimer and you have a set powers as well. I think those, I think all three of those worked. I think all three of those worked.


Let me ask you a question, cuz you, you would probably know better than anyone else, like, was the movie any good? The Black Culver movie?


You know what you I'm, I'm on my anime break right


now. Oh yeah. So you haven watched it came. Yeah. It, it came


out last week. I was like, I I wanna watch it. But not right now though. Not right now. I'll watch it like a week or two whenever, whenever I recover.


Yeah, yeah. I understand. I understand. Like, that one is like, I think we got the, I still haven't seen the Deviator finale yet for a season, for that last season cuz it was like almost two hours long and I was just like, I'm gonna save that from when I really can sit down and just like, you just develop and swallow this hole. But like, yeah, it is. It's one of those things. I haven't seen either one of those two, um, yet I wanna ask, um, We, we talked about the open world concept. What game would you like to see if it was just a smaller scale game? Like it was a linear story of maybe six to eight hours long. But this is an anime game that like, I'm gonna tell you a Inci story. You're a character in this world and, but it's not open world like it could be. Something might be like a, almost like, and I don't know if you played the Batman games, but if it like a AUM game to where like maybe you're tr trapped in one singular location, or maybe you're just telling the story about a kid in, in one specific neighborhood.


Okay. Another am I are, are we gonna be characters? Like are we gonna be a part of the main cast or we still doing the whole your own, you make your own character. I wanna do


the make your own character thing. Cuz I like, lemme give you an example of what I'm talking about. Like, um, I don't know if you, um, watched the anime, what was it? Um, high School, the Dead? Yes. Yeah, let's like a high school with a dead, where you're your own character and you're trying to like in a completely different school and such like that and you're trying to survive, huh?


Off the top of my


head, I'm trying to think. So a game similar to, not necessarily high school with a dead, but the game very similar to that sort of, yeah.


Yeah. I'm trying to think of one that would fit that mold. Um, that'd be short off initially. Um, I'm thinking maybe Chain Chainsaw Man could work. I think Chin Know E took you works because it's like a SBI one where they go in, like there's certain people that they're not, they, they're ninjas and sh Nobis, but it's kind of hidden. Mm-hmm. They have their own rival gangs. That's a, and it's a short anime, so that one could have worked too. I'm trying to think, but off the top of my head, a


short one. Here's one that you know, and this is gonna lead off to our next question. Mm-hmm. Because our next question, while, while you're thinking about that, is what sports anime would you love to see as a sports game? And that's, so think about those two questions, cuz I got, you know, I wrote down some, um, some shorter, smaller ancillary like series that I think would kind of be dope to end. I wanna get your, your takes on these. So here is what I got right here. Um, first of all, I have, um, a, the first one that I think would be a really cool, like smaller type of experience. Would have to be you Haca show you Haca show could work. If it was like a small, like smaller, kind of like following a, a really cool story. Maybe you don't make it like you, maybe you don't make it like 3d. Maybe you even make it like a 2D game similar to like, uh, a Pokemon or maybe like, have you ever played Hades? I've not played Hades. Oh man. You're missing out. But Halo. Hey, Hades is like a, it's like a, a game where you're looking down, like from the top down, almost like Diablo style. Mm-hmm. Where you're, you can see all the characters and you can quickly like, you, like move your demi god around and such like that. So it's um, it's very like, very smaller pace, very smaller scale, but it's not like a big 3D game. I think that'd be really cool as a smaller like, um, smaller Hades like game. Here's another one that I think would be really cool. Um, one Punch Man. Playing. I think one punch mine would be fun playing, playing Sama in the same sense that where you played, um, like a Spider-Man, mouse, morales type of game to where like you actually go around trying to save people or going around trying to one punch like all these, these different people in your neighborhood.


Oh, so you're thinking as taking that sama, I was thinking of going in like the one point, just being one of the heroes and trying


to work your way. Heroes. That would be dope. I was thinking


of my hero now too because I was like, yeah, what if you just do it like that? Like a hero kind of thing. You build your way up. I think that would be Oh


that'd be dope. That'd be good. As open world as a matter of fact. But you know, like the hero thing would be interesting too, cuz you could probably have like these mini games that substitute as your class time as well. Man, I just want more persona now that we're talking about.


Yes. Yeah. Since you brought up you hockey show, I think, um, hunter, hunter will go with that one as well. Oh, that's good. I think Hunter Hunter will go as well because even we saw so much with Hunter. Hunter, we saw the open world. It, even though we follow the story of Gone, even though we don't follow the story of God anymore, but we were following the story of Gone. Gone was in no way, shape, or form near the strongest in the world. No. No. Yeah. And there's so many different hunters. There's so many different things you could be doing as a hunter. We only saw a couple of things with Gone, and then he was doing like main character stuff, but there was so much more going on in the world that we didn't even follow. I think that would be amazing


doing man. They lived so much on the table with that anime. Like that anime was, it had potential to be a top five like shown in the anime of all time. Yeah. He just keeps getting


to God. She keeps getting sick and Yeah, it's unfortunate. Yeah, it's unfortunate. But I also say like the whole thing, like similar to like game making, I feel like you need a good team. I feel like taking up everything by yourself and I get it's your creation is your baby and everything, but I feel like one person in a small group can only go so far. Like eventually like if you need help, I feel like it's just like, Hey, branch out.


Yeah. I almost wish you, I almost wish you'd just tell people like the vision of what he wants to do and, and let them kind of like help him achieve that vision. Right. But


it's easier said than nothing. Like let's say you created something and it's been going on for multiple years, multiple decades, and you're like, I don't, I don't know if I can trust somebody else


with this. Yeah, that's true. That's true. That make, that makes complete sense. Yeah. So yeah, that's, man, that's sucks. That really sucks. Mm-hmm. Um, what is the other one I'm thinking of? Bki. The greatest. The greatest Warrior. Yeah. I was thinking


of BAK whenever you said the sports one. Mm-hmm. I was about to say bak because of the martial arts and the tournaments you could trade. Yeah. I, that, that was gonna be one of my,


um, choices. Sports. Sports one. Okay. Ones. So we'll save that for the sports one. But yeah, that, like Bach could be really cool. Um, what is it? Um, what is the other one that I was really thinking of? Um, high school, the dead would be really dope, um, to kind of escape all the zombies and stuff like that. Mm-hmm. Um, Full Metal Alchemist, full lc, full metal alchemist would be as well. Oh my. Cool. I'd love to see that as a open world game too. Like you Yeah, that's one the big ones I can see. Yeah. You actually playing like as a alchemist and such like that, maybe you can choose your power and make it like, like a not elder squirrel style, but maybe like, um, elder ring type style to where like you can kind of like put your attributes into different, like alchemy, like studies and such like that. Mm-hmm. You can go around chasing the most wanted in the, in the capitol and, and all that kind of stuff. That'd be pretty cool.


Yeah, I could see that. I, I was seeing it more like a red dare redemption style type game. Oh, be dope. That's, that's how I was vi envisioning it right now, and I'm like, I, I could see that. I could see that working out.


Ooh. How about a, how, how about a cowboy bebop game? Where instead of it being like an open world kind of thing, like that, you only have like, you know, cuz there were initially bounty hunters, right? Yeah. So, so you just chased down a couple bounties. Maybe you have like a story that you're following as such.


Um, I'm not gonna, it's been like 15 years since I've seen Cowboy, or 10 years. Whoa. Seen Cowboy be, but it's been a decade. So, um, I like, I remember bits and pieces. That's what I'm trying to think. I'm like, I think it could work, but from what I'm remembering, but I have to see, I have to get a refresher cause it's been a long


time. I understand completely. I understand completely. Let's go to the sports, let your area of expertise, you do a podcast about anime and about sports. You got to be represented for this topic. What is, what sports anime do you think would make a good video


game? First and foremost, I think Mega Box needs to be out there. Oh, that'd be dope. Mega box, like another boxing game. But except for, instead of just building your character, cause I feel like cuz it brings in, it brings in strategy. Mm-hmm. It has two, like, not only does your character need to be fit and you can have a training stuff like whatever, however you wanna do with the game, the build up your character, but his gear also needs to match him. So if your character, like, like, like if you wanna, if you wanna go emphasize into speed or stamina, whatever you, but your character's, like a large person like that could, that could worked. Like they're like, mm-hmm. Have them build up their strength, but the gear focuses on speed, like that could work or different like that. I think that just brings in a bunch of unique situations. I would like to see that one, um, skate Infinity, because I could see that as like a Tony Hawk style, like open world, like pro skater or a pro skater, except for this is all racist. So it's like, I've imagine like a need for speed racing game. But you're racing on the skateboard Tony Hawk style and everything's race, but the, or what's that one game? Um, the a the ATV game where we were on four wheelers and you were racing on around those crazy tracks. I can't remember. I used to play on PS two. The track mania. Is that it was, that it? I don't remember what it was called. Mm-hmm. But, um, you raced all these crazy short tracks and it's like, okay, you're racing. And it could be, I just feel like that's a, like, that could worked cuz it's like you've seen like some of the Tony Hawk like yeah, when you're doing tricks and everything, but doing that, but going through while you're racing and it's all fair game like, Kind of Mario Kart style. You can be bumping them and doing everything at the same time cuz everything's fair, fair game with it. I think that, I think that could be fun as well. The rest of I love that idea. Yeah. The rest of 'em I think will be more complicated because I feel like they'll either be one too simple to where people could be like, okay, we'll just play an actual game based off of this or two, the powers kind of make it more difficult. Yeah, so like I was thinking like maybe a curl code, no basket, maybe a blue lock. But when I was actually looking at, I'm like with curl code, no basket, only the generational miracles are really moving like that anyway. Yeah, for real. Yeah. So like some of the other characters, they might have like a special move. Really, they're just doing something simple. But I'm like, if instead of doing that you can just play. Two K or it feels more like, um, can't even remember the game now. Um, N b A street. Yeah. It feels more like n b A street then. Mm-hmm. But it'll be N NBA Street, but you're playing on an actual basketball court instead of like playing street ball. And that's so I was like, but at that point you'd be like, why not? I just play this. So it's kind of hard to do that one. And I think Blue Lock will be kind of hard too, because I just think of, um, the Mario soccer game that just came out. Like it came out strikers last year. Yeah. Yeah. Striker. I just think of strikers from last year, so I'm like, yeah, it could work, but it's like, I feel like it's limited and to where the audience, like it's limited what the audience would want to actually like, pursue it.


You making, you're making some good points. I wanna maybe you do something that is very niche and stuff like that, but like that would probably have like a solid appeal. Like something like a haiku.


Yeah, I think that could work. But then I'm not, I'm not familiar if there's volleyball games out there,


but it's like, I don't think there's a whole lot of them, to be honest. Okay. Yes.


Cause Cause I was looking at, I'm like, yeah, you have that, or like one like free or Ace of the Diamond, but it's like those that have no powers and it's just strictly the sport. Mm-hmm. What is going to make people wanna play that one rather than one would that like you're a volleyball fan instead of the real volleyball national teams. Like why would you wanna play that one instead of, so that's the only reason I was like, kind of like, ah, I don't, I was trying to think of the audience as well. Cause I'm like, what? Why? Why would you do that? Like anime fans, we would be like, yeah, instead of we're not gonna go play the national volleyball. No. 23. Yeah. But if a Haiku game, man, we come and play Haiku cause we know the characters. But I'm like, for actual volleyball fans though, like they don't really have that appeal to go there. Or like the Prince of Tennis. Like why not just play? Um, cause they, they have a tennis game out there. Why not just play that? Yeah. Or instead actually Birdie Wing I think could have worked. Oh, that might be a good one. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Cause like you got the PGA two K and everything but birdie wing using powers while you're doing it. Mm-hmm. And using special moves while you're doing it, I think could work, but I think that still would be a tricky slippery slope.


Yeah. Yeah. You mentioned some really good points, like the, is there an audience for it? Um, know, I know we're fantasy booking right now, like all these different, um, outcomes, but is there a true audience for it? Is that why it hasn't been made so far? You know? Mm-hmm. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Um, it makes me sad cuz you know, I want to see more an anime type of games get made maybe even if it's just turn base. Cuz I know like that's the easy, like, almost like the easy get outta jail free card for them is just do a turn base style. But like, Yeah, I, I wish we, I wish we'd get more, more representation in the anime space and video games outside of just Dragon Ball Z though.


Yeah, but you, again, you gotta look at your audience. Yeah, for sure. No matter what, everybody's gonna buy the Dragon Ball Z game. The new Dragon Ball Z game comes out, guess what? People are gonna, people are gonna hop on it. Cause they're like, we love Dragon Ball Z we love the concept and no matter what, we're




play it. Yeah. And they know what they're gonna get out of it too. So they, they know what they're


gonna get and your fans are gonna get. So it's like, you gotta, you gotta appeal to your consumer. And that's the tricky part,


man. I like to, I like you bringing me that back down to Earth. I like you brought me back down Earth. So, you know, at Geek, I wanna, I wanna talk to you about a couple of topics before we get up outta here. And my, the topic that I really wanna, like, really wanna bring up real quick, thanks for being on the show by the way, is. You know, we dove right into the topic of the show. Have you been playing anything since you've been burned out so much on anime? What did, what's been keeping you busy?


Right now what's been keeping me busy is I've been like, I I, I've been replaying actually, miles Morales, I started playing Miles Morales again. Mm-hmm. Just because we went to go see the movie and my daughter loves Spider-Man, so she plays, she's three, so she doesn't understand. So she'll sit there and play the game, play Spider-Man with me. Um, but for the most part, I've been on my Pokemon Rom hacks. Um, I've, I've been, I'm trying to think. I, I, I've been playing a lot of, a lot more games on like my phone. Like I've been big on balloon towers, the fence lately, like six right now. I've been going on every single level, beginning, intermediate, um, expert in completing every level on all the difficulties, trying to do all the challenges there. I've been trying to basically do anything to keep myself away from things similar to what I make content on. So a lot, I've been trying understand, avoid a lot of sports, and I've been trying to avoid a lot of games that remind me of


anime. Okay. Okay. So no persona right now then.


No persona. Um, what's that one game that's coming out that starts with an E?


Um, which one, um, starts with e


that's be similar. It's supposed to be similar to persona. Um, starts


out with an E um, cause I was, I was gonna bring, I was gonna bring something up to your attention. Like had, did you, I don't know if you saw the, the Xbox Showcase, uh, that happened a couple weeks ago, but there was a new persona announced Persona five Tica, and it is a term based, um, grid style persona game, um, and grid, um, based persona game. And it still has all the same characters we know and love from the Persona five series. But it, it sort of reminds me of, um, the Fire Emblem games and it like, I. I cannot wait for that game. But you said like there was a, a game that was very similar to Persona that started with an E, right? Ether. Nice. E


Eter. Nice. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I, I pre-ordered that cause my brother told me about that one. He told me about that and he's like, um, it's really good. You should, you should try. And I was like, okay.


Yeah, that, that, that sounds pretty dope. That sounds pretty dope. I'm gonna have to. I'm gonna let you, um, tell me what you think about that one before I dive into it.


Yeah. I preorder I that I would be playing that. Cause I was like, it's, it's similar to persona. I was like, okay. Um, and I looked it up and they was like, oh yeah, you can build relationships based off I was like, sold. You said the right thing. I was like, yeah, sold. Sold. Say less. I'm already there.


I feel you. I feel you. So, you know, when you're playing games on your phone, are you using a, a backbone or con, a backbone controller or anything like that? Or you just using the touchscreen?


I'm using the touchscreen because I have a, um, uh, a bird phone. Mm-hmm. I, it's an old, it's an old Android that, um, one of my coworkers get, cuz I have an iPhone, so I don't have an Android, but I can't play my romax on the iPhone. No, for sure. Not unfortunately. And so I wanted to get an Android, but my wife's like, you're not getting an Android. So I, I bought one from my own. I bought one from my coworker. I was like, Hey, you have Andrew, do you have an old one that I could buy from you? He's like, yeah, I actually got a new phone not too long ago if you want this old one. And so I got the old one from him and that's how I play my ro hacks and I play a lot of different games on my phone


from there. She won't let you get an Android, huh?


She will not, she's like, we are an iPhone family. I like to use the FaceTimes. I'm like, there's things around that she, I don't know. She's a, she's an iPhone elitist, and so I was like, all


we're speaking with iPhone then, man. Yeah, happy wife, happy life. That's, that's how it exactly goes. I'm a, I'm an Android person if I'm being honest with you. Like I, yeah, I, I'm like you. I'd rather be able to, you know, have anything and everything on my SD cards and all that kind of stuff. I want to have all the, all my goodies just on my, on my one device. And, you know, iPhones don't really let me do that. So, you know, they do not, they do not like me playing video games on that thing, so, no. So anyways. All right. So we have a couple, a couple last questions before we do our final segment of the show and are my next big question is, are you ready? Are you


ready? I'm not sure, man. I got, I think I got two last time. I'm not sure, but so, but I'm gonna say yes. I'm gonna say yes, I'm ready. He


remembers, ladies and gentlemen, that it is time for our pro nerd to review portion of the show where we ask our esteemed guests five different questions based on, uh, five different nerdy topics. They are randomized completely. I have no control of them. He may get Star Trek today, he may get Star Wars today. Either way, he is not happy about those two categories, but I digress. We'll ask him five different questions, and if he gets all five of them right, he will be entered in our Pro Nerd Hall of Fame. As it stands right now, we have one entry into the Hall of Fame, but I have a feeling we are about to have another because it is time. So I ask you one last time. Are you ready? Good, sir. I'm ready. All right. I like the, I like the spirit there. All right. So Destiny has, has concluded that your first category is in the realm of professional wrestling. Professional wrestling. All right. So famous for his famous promo labeled three 16. This baldheaded wrestler would go on to break records as one of the highest selling wrestlers of all time. Who


is he? Stone Cold? Austin. Austin. Three 16. Gimme a hell. Yeah, dude. You


got it. You got it. So he is on the board. He is one of one. So let's see if he can get the next one. Our next category is in the realm of video games. Video games. What is the popular dinosaur that is a sidekick to Mario? Oh, Yoshi. He is two for two. Ladies and gentlemen, he's smiling big. I feel like the confidence is starting to rise. He feels like the wheel is on his side today. Let's see if it really is. We move on to the next question. Category number three. The next category is in, oh, you are a lucky dog in the realm of Pokemon first generation. Alright, so what Pokemon is the evolution? Evolution of Ish.


Of ish. Oh, that's, um, what's called Evolution of ish goes the gloom.


Is that your final answer? Good, sir.


It goes, I think it's ish gloom. No. Or is it I? Or am I thinking's? Uh, you got me, you got me second Guessing myself. I was like Irish gloom bio plume is what I thought it went. But is gloom just a initial? Oh my God, you got me second guessing. Does this go into something


else? All right, so I'm gonna ask the question for our audience again. What is the next evolution of the Pokemon? Oish Oish is spelled O d d I s h




Oish evolves at level 21. Everyone.


Yeah. I I, I'm drawing a blank now. You got I was like, I, I, I was, I was coming up with the, but then I'm starting to think, I'm like, no, you don't get a gloom that early on in the game. But I'm not thinking I can, I can't, I can't think. I, I don't know. I'm, so


your final answer is either, I don't know, or is it was g you said gloom. I'm


have to throw it gloom, even though I don't feel like


that's right. But ladies and gentlemen, he is 3 0 3 right now. Okay. He is on a roll. Gloom is


correct. Oh my gosh. He almost talks you outta that.


Oh, I love it. I love it. He is three for three. Everyone. He's already surpassed his previous record. All right. Some. Three of three. All right, so the next question is in the realm of DC. DC comics, his smile dissipated before our very eyes. Ladies and gentlemen. His smile sadly went away, but who knows? He could be on a roll. All right. Which character famous for leaving leaving the fictional island of the mascara, made her way to the world in order to not only explore but to save man's world? Can you repeat the question one more time? All right. Which fictional character made her way from the mascara, the fictional island of the Masra, to not only see Men's world, but to save it?


The You said she and the only FEMA DC character I know is Wonder


Woman. Ladies and gentlemen, he is 4 0 4. He could be entering the Hall of fame. He is one question away. Oh, how do you feel right now? I


am nervous cuz I've gotten lucky on a couple in a row. Yeah. So that might not be on my




anymore. The, the wheel is on your side right now and I like it. All the momentum in the world, we could be at the number, we could have our number two entrant in the Hall of fame. We will see, oh no. Our last category is in the realm of Harry Patta. Harry Patta. Alright, so which item did love Rde Taint with a piece of his soul where Harry had tofu Ask a ghost its location. Which item did love Rde Taint the. With his soul and Harry Potter had to ask a ghost for the location of this item.


My wife's been really upset with me cuz she's a huge Harry Potter fan. Yes. And, um, what item? Um, if I remember correctly, the only, I remember the ghost, but I remember they saw him in the bath. They saw her in the bathroom, but I don't remember the items. So I'm just gonna say a wand


that is incorrect. Uh, unfortunately you are four of five. You did a really good showing. The answer is a dim, it is the, almost like a crown. Okay. Like a, yeah. So almost like a crown. It was the go see asked was, um, RO Rowena Ravenclaw. And the ghost you were thinking of is Myrtle. Oh, okay. Yeah.


Once he said Harry Potter, I knew it was a rap. My luck went out.


Luck went out. But you did really good. That was a good showing. Uh,


I am happy that I am almost, um, a pro nerd.


Almost made it. But you al and I mean, you had a really good showing there. You had a really good showing. So, outta curiosity, do you wanna see the road not taken and see which category you would've gotten? Yes.


I would actually see the wheel was not on my side. Now that, Hey man, the wheel was working for you for a while. My luck ran


out. Uh, it was doing work for you. The all right. The wheel would have landed on retro video games. Yeah. I would've been a rap either way. You think so? I think it would've been a rap either way. Okay. All right. Um, let's see. Let's see. Which character was the mascot character in the video game? Ready to rumble?


I have no idea. The only Rumble game I can think of is that other Rumble game with the worms now. Oh


really? Yeah. I can't think of any other rumble game off the top of my head right now. Okay. Um, so back in the day, there was a game called Ready to Rumble. It was a boxing game, by the way, and it was a cartoony style boxing game to where it kind of looks like this was, uh, it was really popular around that pup, PlayStation, Dreamcast era. It had, um, like I said, kind of like cartoony graphics, almost very akin to what you would see on, um, almost like me, think of like a PlayStation version of Melo Box except without the armor and such like that. And it had just had these goofy, like n b a street like characters. Okay. The main character was this guy named Afro Thunder. Afro Thunder. He had this big afro, he had these smiley faces on his gloves and such like that. And he'd be like, it's time to dance. It's time to move dance, suck them. And then like, they basically made him a black man from the seventies, like low key. Yeah, I can see that. Yeah. They basically made him a white man from the seventies. But if you ever do decide to play some retro games, checkout Ready to Rumble. This came out by, it was published by Midway Games in 1999 for the Dreamcast and the PlayStation. Um, it's also on the Game Boy and Game Boy Color. I never knew that. So might be able to play that on, um, a little device that, you know. That you might have. Yeah. So maybe, maybe, um, but I digress everyone. He did really good on the, um, the pro nurture review portion of the show. We only have one last question for you today, and that is, where can the good people find you? Man, they can


find me on YouTube at, at Geeks. Um, big things coming up. Like I said, I haven't, I haven't posted in a few weeks till we took a, I took a little vacation, however, um, next week or, um, actually before, cause before it'll come out, before this episode comes out, we have the, uh, seasonal awards came out for something. We're starting new like season, uh, for every time, every time the season changes. We're gonna do an award show for the anime of that season. Just to give, you know, some of those smaller anime that don't get as much credit, some of their credit right there, bring attention to 'em. So we're gonna start


doing the seasonal awards. I love that. I love that idea. Everyone go check out his, um, check out his YouTube channel. He is doing a really good job. He's killing it. He's, he's using really innovative ways to entertain you and to teach you about some anime that you should really, that should really be on your radar, especially if you're into all genres, really. Cuz I'm like, he covers e every single thing. The man has burned himself outta anime right now. So like, definitely go give him a watch, a follow and a subscribe. It really, really would mean a lot to not only me, but to him as well. Go support this man he's doing, doing some really good work. I digress. So before we go though, I want to thank you for being on the show. You, you've done a fantastic job today. Really love the conversation and always love talking to you, man.


Yeah, thanks for having me. I really appreciate it. You know, I'll come on anytime. We always have good


talks. I love it. Always, always. So, you know, rest up and rest up because I'm gonna need you to be on the ball for like winter anime. You know, you're gonna have to recover pretty soon, all right? Mm-hmm. Okay. So my last thing, um, that I really wanted to, to ask you about was, are you happy with your Celtic draft?


Um, I mean, yeah, we got another athlete. We traded market Smart, so that's unfortunate, but we got a, we got a athletic. Defensive monster, apparently. Um, I'm not, I'm not, I don't know much about him, but he, he's six seven with a seven two winks man. Supposed to be a beast on defense and so lose Mark smart. Try to get another defender.


We're gonna see how it goes. Yeah. And you're happy with the porus, um, kind of situation as well? Uh,


not really. Cause I lost smart, uh, I love, I'm, I'm a big market smart fan, but mm-hmm. Hey, we gotta go in another direction. I'm a trust, trust and believe in, um, what's called Brad Stevens. And we're gonna see


how it goes. I love how you're, you're answering like you're on the podium right now, like, like youre, you're answering like you're on the podium, man. No comment. I'm, I'm gonna trust the process. I'm gonna let you see how it goes. You know, this is my squad, this is my team. Uh, this is a really good organization. You know, I have my, what is it? What, what's their Dr. Official drink? Now? It's like, um, I have my Gatorade right here. Lemme take a sip right here so I can get paid real quick. And, and we're, we're just gonna, we're just gonna keep the ball rolling, man. That's




I was like, man, this brother done did some PR training with the Celtics and everything. But anyways, man, it's been great having you on the show. Until next time, I've been Sebastian, that's been the AF geek, and we will catch you next time. This has been the Single Player Experience Podcast, and we're out. Peace everyone. that's a wrap for today's episode. I wanna give a special shout out to Adrian, the af Gee Harrison, for being on the show today. I also wanna let you know about the single player experience Discord server. It's the perfect place for single player gamers to talk about the good single player games they've been playing lately, and to get video game recommendations. Think of it kind of like a book club for single player gamers. The link to join will be in the description. Once you're in, feel free to share your video game backlog list. Talk about the good games you've been playing, or give your feedback on the show if you have a game that you think should be recommended or that you think I should talk about. Let me know in the single Player Experience Discord server. I'll see you there. Before we go, I just want to thank you so much for listening to today's episode. Stay safe, stay gamming, and I hope to catch you in the next one. Peace.

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