Indie Game Spotlight: A Corgi’s Cozy Hike Ft. Johnson & Dan

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Indie Game Spotlight – A Corgi’s Cozy Hike Ft. Johnson & Dan

This is the Single Player Experience Podcast, a premier podcast for single- player gamers to find out about good games to play. Today’s episode focuses on an upcoming game called Corgi’s cozy hike, which is a therapeutic adventure where players climb a mountain and teach people how to love and live like a dog. Dan and Johnson are part of the creative team behind the game. Dan is the creator and programmer, while Johnson does visuals and marketing.

Here on the Single Player Experience, we love to highlight dope indie games that you should be playing. Today our Indie Game Spotlight is A Corgi’s Cozy Hike.

In this episode, Sebastion talks with the Creators of A Corgi’s Cozy Hike, Dan and Johnson! They talk in Depth about their game, the inspiration behind it, and we let you know why you should be looking forward to this game.

There’s All this and more on this episode of the Single Player Experience!

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Sebastion Mauldin


Hey everyone. Welcome to the Single Player Experience Podcast, the premier podcast for single player gamers to find out about good single player games to play, or just find out about good games that you should have in your wishlist. And today's episode's kind of focused on the latter. We're gonna talk about an upcoming game that. I was put on my radar during Pax. I was, happened to walk by. I was minding my business and I looked over and I saw this cute sign of a corgi and I gravitated over over to the their kiosk because of that, that cute sign. And I happened to find out about a wonderful, cozy game that's coming out. Called Corgis Cozy Hike. And I looked at this game and I was just like, I need to know more about it. So I talked to, I talked to our two guests here at at pax, and then later on invited them to the show. Thankfully they said yes. So my two guests today are part of the creative team behind Cozy, uh, corgis Cozy Hike, and that is Dan and Johnson. How are y'all guys doing today?


Hi. We're doing great. We're


awesome, man. It's so, it's so glad to have y'all. I'm so glad to have you all on the show. So good to see you. Um, before we get into the whole rigamarole and, and intro into the game, I wanna let the people get to know you a little bit. So, for the people who don't know y'all, can you introduce yourselves to the audience? Well, I'm


Dan. I am, uh, the creator of Art Studio Calisco. And, uh, Yeah, I just wanted to make games that make the world a better place. And so we chose to make games that donate to animal shelters and um, that basically led us here to where we're making this nice little cozy game that, uh, helps people relax and focus and also, you know, donates to real animal shelters. Yeah. That is amazing. And


he's also the main programmer. Yep. Yeah. And I'm Johnson and I do all the visuals for the game and marketing.


That is amazing. So it is a two person group, right? Yeah. So, you know, this being a two person operation and communications obviously important. How did y'all, too, what was the origin of like, y'all y'all's meet there? Like how did y'all meet? How did y'all come to the conclusion that y'all wanted to do this game?


Oh, well, Yeah, so I used to work at Amazon. Mm-hmm. And, uh, you know, I always wanted to make games and Amazon was just kind of soul crushing, I guess, working, you know, under this big, uh, you know, company. And while I was there, I uh, had some coworkers that volunteered for animal shelters and they had foster animals. And I got to learn some of the struggles that dogs really had. And, um, from that I was thinking that okay. Games make so much money. Mobile games make so much money. Why don't we make gains that help real animals? And so that's kind of where I had to quit my job to just go off and do it. Cause they wouldn't let me do it while I still work there. They would end up owning it be really bad. So I just, uh, quit and then we met along the way and, um, As I was looking for an artist for my first game and we're also, uh, partners, and so that happened to just line up perfectly since his art is just,


yeah. Amazing. Yeah, like around that.


Around that time, like 2018, I was like doing my own thing. I was like selling things in artist alleys, art fairs, whatever. And like I had like my own mascot character, kind of like a Hello Kitty thing, like. And his name was Baby and he's like a b slash dog. And like I was, I was making merch of everything using him and like my art style kind of aligned with what he was looking for for his first mobile game. And it just seemed to click. And we made Rescue Pets the Idol Game, and then Rock Miner in 2021. Those two are mobile games and now we're working on this game. Yeah.


That's exciting. That's another


cool. Yeah. Corgi, cozy psych. Yeah. So,


so I wanna ask you like, so this is the first game that you made that's not a mobile game. What's some of the lessons that you've learned through the mobile game process and that you're adapting to this, this game? Well, yeah.


Um, First of all, it's just been so much easier to work on this, I think, than the mobile games. Um, and it's something that I was so scared of making like a big, you know, steam PC game, uh, that's like, oh, you know, I, I can't do it. But then when we just started working on it, it was, it just started coming together. We didn't have to worry about like the technical requirements as much, you know, on mobile. The, uh, since we have to worry about all sorts of different phones, there's a lot of phones that. We're older or have worse specs or, you know, and that really hurts our, it makes it so we have to care a lot more about performance. Yeah. And because like,


we cared about like how it runs on a low end hardware, you know, like the jump from mobile to PC was just like huge. Like, we didn't have to do as much wor work because like we know how to like, um, You know, make 3D, uh, models, that's mm-hmm. Good for all. Handheld. And if it's good for handheld, it's definitely great


for pc. I like that approach. Yeah, I like that approach. Yeah. Yeah. So I wanted to ask you like, um, a cozy, uh, a corgis cozy hike. It's a, it's like a kind of a hard thing to say when you like try to say a pass, but, so I wanted ask you about this game. Like, I love the concept of it. Like for the people who don't know what this game is, can you describe it for the audience? I. Yeah,


definitely. Um, I'd say it's this therapeutic adventure where you, uh, are this Corgi on vacation going around, uh, just relaxing and, you know, climbing the mountain and then teaching people how to love and live like a dog. I, I think that's really what it's about. Um, I just, so it, it came from this, uh, Idea of like old 3D platformers. I used to play like Banjo, kazue or Spyro, and I noticed that, you know, like these games have enemies in them for no reason. Reason really, and mm-hmm. Um, then I played a short hike and that really like inspired me to say that, you know what, let's just try it. Let's see if we can actually make a game that, you know, is non-violent with no death. That inspires people to do, uh, You know, good stuff and help other people, and it's also fun. And I think so far, you know, uh, we're achieving that and yeah, absolutely. I get addicted to playing it.


Yeah. So what, what is it like, um, seeing people play your game and seeing like some of the initial, like reactions to your day? Yeah. Pax


it was just incredible. Mm-hmm.


Yeah. Yeah, it was really fun. Like we were, like, before Pax, we were just working on it for like three months and like, uh, you know, when you create things and you're always in the office, like our home, like you're just like constantly thinking about like, what's wrong about the game and like how far behind we are in our like vision. So like when. It was time to like go to a public convention and then seeing and showing the game to like people, we were like so shocked that people like loved it so much because personally, you know, we don't think about like how good it's going. Yeah. We just know what's missing. Yeah. Like


all I see is the flaws and the bugs and the frame rate and the, yeah.


Yeah. So like, um, Being able to sh show the game to the public and seeing all the positive reception made us feel more confident about what we've been working on. Mm-hmm. And like for game things like games, it takes like months or sometimes years and, you know, uh, we want to make sure that what we're working on is something that people will gravitate towards and, uh, eat. Um, do showing the game at Pax really. Helped us with that and be more confident.


Let me, so I, I. I'm gonna guess you haven't heard this story, but let me share your story with you from Pax. Um, when there was a whole lot of us in the media room and we were sitting around talking and, uh, sitting around talking, and then we kind of had categories that we'd talk about, like everyone would talk about, like, oh, what is your game of the show, so to speak, and what is your, your surprise of the show or what game kind of like really stood out to you? So we, we talk about stuff back and forth in the media room and one game that always came up as a surprise of the show, no matter like. You know, like I'd always hear conversations. It was this game. It was this game was the surprise of the show because like, it, for one, it was like not a lot of people knew about it. And then another, it was the, the fact that this seemed like a good chill and relaxed game and, and like, oh, I've had several conversations with people at PAX where we were just sitting around and we were like, That looks like a fun weekend to where we can just sit around, play as a corgi and you know, like whether it be like with the sound off or the sound on, we can just play and relax after a good hard day is work. So I wanted to give you that story too because you mentioned like not having that, that feedback, I wanted to let you know you're on the right path. Like we, we actually, a lot of people were talking about that game as the surprise of the weekend. That's


crazy. Yeah. That means a lot. Yeah. First of all, like we didn't know there was a media room.


Yeah. Yeah. I'm shocked. That's crazy. Yeah, for sure. For sure. So it's one of those things to where I'm like, I wanted to share that story to let you know, like. Your game resonated with a lot of people there and outside of the people who just walked up to you at the booth and such like that. Oh my gosh, gosh. So you're on the right track, man. Yeah, that's, that's,


we're happy to hear that. Yeah. Yeah. We like, you know, crit rate was like crit rate had their booth. Right. Like in front of us and like throughout the weekend they kept telling us like, oh, your game is very highly rated at our booth. Yeah. And like we did not believe them at all the entire time. Like until like after the con the convention. And we had time to look at their rating system mm-hmm. For games. And then that's where we were like, oh my gosh. They weren't kidding. Cause


it turned out people voted us the most loved unreleased game.


I, I can believe it too, because, you know, like, you know, um, just by looking at the game and from what I experienced at Pax and you know, like later on when I was trying to keep up, keep tabs with the game, it's like, it's appeals to a lot of things that I feel like a lot of were, were missing in video games right now. Like a lot of people want that nostalgia, banjo, kazue like game where like, yeah, it's not necessarily like, yeah. The highest graphics out there. It is just reminiscent of what we played during that era of gaming. So a lot of people miss those types of games. And then like also the cozy genre is just like exploded right now. You see games. Yeah, you see like tons of games, whether it be the little gator game that came out. Yeah, exactly. Recently you see. Games like Ummi Come Home, which is another game that came out. It was at, so also at Pax. But yeah, it was, it's one of those to where I'm like, you see this genre and people are really falling in love with that genre, really resonating with those type of games. This game like goes right up both alleys, you know, like a lot of gamers. Yeah. This is seems like something the market needs, so Yeah. Yeah, I definitely love that.


Absolutely. Yeah. And we're, we're happy to be part of the genre as well. Oh, for sure. Like, cause there's, there's always a need for more cozy stuff.


Oh yeah, for sure. For sure. I wanted to ask you a question. Speaking of cozy games, like what are some of y'all's favorite cozy games?


Well, um,


I'm, I, I really like, I haven't, I've only seen him play Gator game, but gator game seems to be really good and I love the concept of it so much. Oh yeah. Especially the, the, the part in the story where you,




Once to hold onto your childhood. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All the items that you collect and use in the game. Genius.


I love that. It's so sweet. It is really, it's a concept. It's so sweet. Yeah. Yeah. It's a sweet concept. Yeah. You know, I, so the reason why I ask is because I, you know, like a lot of the developers I talk to do like market research by playing other games. You know, like we're humans. We constantly evolve by and get inspiration from other things we play. I wanted to know, yeah. What, what's some of your biggest inspirations for this game?


Well, a short hike is definitely number one, I'd say. Mm-hmm. Um, both because, you know, it's a nice cozy game and, uh, uh, but also because he gave a great, the developer of it gave a great G D C talk where he talked about how he made it, and that was really inspirational too. Mm-hmm. Um, and then also like, uh, you know, breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom now is another. Like obvious inspiration I think cuz we have climbing mechanics and yeah. Um, I think it, it really is such a cozy game. Surprisingly, you wouldn't expect it, but just walking around the world and, you know, I, I don't like Heather's enemies so much. Like, it's funny cuz I used to like more actiony games whenever I was younger, maybe. Like I, I even played uhs row and


you know, dark Souls. Little vastly different. Vastly different for sure. But I dunno,


something in that broke me. And since then I'm like, uh, I don't really wanna play Eldon ring. Like I want to, like just explore the world, you know? I don't wanna. Waste my time, like dying over and over again. Like it's silly.


Get stomped every corner basically. I understand. I, I completely understand. Like, like, I,


like I don't have time for that anymore, you know? Mm-hmm.


Yeah. It, it's like you want the adventure without, as necessarily wanting the, the stress behind dying over and over again. And I completely understand that. That's, that's a very valid thing. And the market is desiring those type of games, as you've seen with, um, all these releases of these, the cozy genre lately.


Yeah. And then going back to like old school 3D platformers like that, banjo, Spiro, I mean, Spiro's a big inspiration too because he has four legs. And ever since then is whenever I was thinking there should be a dog, you know? And I wanted you to glide through the sky. Um, I've always imagined like accordion with a cape. That's sweet. Um, doing Spiro mechanics. So that's kind of


where it came from. That segueways into my next question. Why the corgi may I ask? Uh, out of all the dog breeds. Well,


corgis are, you know, adorable. They, they got




butt. Yeah, they do. Can't resist it. They do.


They really do. You got that little wiggle. I like, I I've imagined for such a long time. Just, uh, you know, like walking around, you're like, The camera's behind the corgi, you get to see the butt


wiggle. That's the amazing. You like what else, what else? Get off work.


Yeah, it just seems like it'd be such a relaxing thing, you know?


Um, I, I love that cuz it's hard, it's hard not to smile at corgis. Like, they're just so innate, innately fun, fun dogs. So I I was just wondering if there was like a personal connection to the Corgi.


Yeah, I think there, there was a, a corgi in, uh, the Amazon office. Named Toby. That's neat. That was my, the first cordy I ever saw, I guess. And after that I was hooked. Right. You got the, ugh, the butt fur, the little hops. Ugh. You know, you just can't resist it. That's, and they're also like, not just like, You know, they've got personality too, right? Mm-hmm. They can be disapproving. They can be commanding like they were born, like to be herders, surprisingly. So


it really is surprising. Yeah, it really is surprising. Yeah, they, they're very expressive breeds of dogs, and I love that. And it's like, That was one of the, that's one of the dogs I always look at and like, I just can't help but smile at when I'm taking my dog biscuit to the dog park and I see a corgi, I can't help but to smile at, just like, he seems like he's tried so hard at the park, like to run with all the dogs is butts just going all like sideways. I love it. It's so far. Yeah, they're very goofy. They really, they really are. So I want Exactly. I wanted to bring it back to, um, to bring it back to the game though. Like what can we expect, um, how long of a game is this gonna be overall?


Well, it's gonna be bite size. Okay. We're, uh, being careful to make sure you can complete it, you know, in just a few hours. Um, mm-hmm. I think, uh, depending on what quest you want to do, I think you could finish it in an hour even. Yeah. But, um, if you wanna do everything, it'll probably take eight to 10 hours.


Yeah. Okay. We definitely want to add like, replayability, so like, even if you've finished everything, collected everything. You can still like come up with things on your own to do. Like, I know a lot of people, like including myself, who plays games like Pokemon. Mm-hmm. And like, even though they got all the badges, all the Pokemon, you know, they're still creating things for themselves to, you know, add thousands of more hours to the game


that that is. I love that concept. So there's a lot of collectibles in this game, right. Yeah, there will,


there will be a lot of collectibles. Yeah. And I


think they're not gonna be like banjo, kazu, or spiral collectibles. Most of the collectibles in the game are something more meaningful. Oh, I love that. Like they will allow you to be, take like shortcuts through the world or like, one of the collectibles we have is corgi butt power. You gotta find it in the world and it increases your corgi butt power, which let them climb higher using, uh, ancient Corgi technology.


Um, I love that concept. That's really cool.


And some collectibles will help you learn about the world. Some collectibles like um, are even animals you can find where you can, uh, grow your animal sanctuary and make it more cute and, uh, stuff like that.


So I'm wanted to ask you about the, the. Um, the donation aspect of, of like the mission, so to speak, like this has a very cool mission structure behind it. Y'all are doing really, really amazing work by donating to animal shelters. Am I wrong there? I believe that's, yeah, that's, that's correct. The general mission, right? So how did that come along? That's,


That's definitely what we're gonna be doing after the game releases. Mm-hmm. Um, so we've always been donating our, uh, part of our profits, uh, revenue to dog shelters to help them, you know, pay for. Fostering grooming, medical care, travel so that they can get to like people's homes and stuff. And, uh, we've started it in 2018 with our first mobile game rescue pets. Mm-hmm. And, uh, ever since then, we've, you know, we've just kept it up because we, that is amazing. We saw how meaningful it was to the dogs, the shelters, and our fans because a lot of our fans are there still because we have this like, uh, Mission to keep helping more and more dogs. And, uh, I love that. That's the story.


I absolutely love that initiative. Um, you know, I want to ask you, um, how can people support y'all? Because I know like there is a upcoming Kickstarter. Can you give us more details about that?


Oh yeah, definitely. The Kickstarter is going to be the number one way to support us. Uh, and our goals with it is, you know, we're a programmer and an artist. Uh, one thing we're missing is music and sound effects. And I think for this game in particular, that's gonna be really crucial because I really wanna give people a soundtrack that, you know, just evokes that cozy feeling, you know? And, uh, so that's one of the main reasons why we're doing it. Another reason is to get it on switch, um,


and perfect console for it. Perfect. Yeah. Cozy playing the cozy


game. Yeah. Right? Yeah. Yeah. And then we also wanna get it to different languages so that we can spread our mission and our, um, our message to more people. Uh, since one of the core things about the game is that I really wanna teach people to love unconditionally like a dog. That's sweet and mm-hmm. And just, you know, like live like a dog. Like don't be so caught up in those human stresses, you know, just go and enjoy life and you know, like kick back and relax, you know, go play,


you know? Yeah. That's why like, we're super excited to be on a platform that's not mobile because we are able to use, you know, the. PC gaming as a vehicle to drive stories and teach people lessons mm-hmm. That we wouldn't be able to on a mobile device where people have like such a short attention span.


Definitely. I love that. Yeah. I love that. You know, speaking of mobile, have y'all, um, done any testing with a steam deck component yet? Ma is this play? I've done


any testing yet, but I'm pretty sure it'll work on it. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.


If it's gonna work on the switch, it'll work on Steam deck.


That, that's my thought entirely. I was just, you know, covering my base a lot of the, mm-hmm. A lot of the follow up questions I get from episodes like this from the listeners are like, is this steam steam deck compatible nowadays? So I wanted to, oh, I'm definitely gonna make sure it is. Yeah. It, mm-hmm.


That's super important to us. Especially if it's like a handheld as well and you get cozy.


Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly. So, you know, um, really quick, let's to go back to the game. What is the name of the main Corgi? You get to choose your name. Oh, that's amazing. Yeah. You get to


choose the name, gender, and um, which Corgi coat he has. He could be a Tricolor or Blue Merle or Sable. Bunch of different ones. Yeah.


How much research went into, how much Corgi research did you do while making this game, and what was the research project? Uh, like process like, oh, you know,


um, It's, do you really call it research whenever it's so fun. Yeah, exactly. Just like browsing Reddit for corgis. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. I mean, we've also like, you know, since this is our third Corgi game Yeah. We've definitely learned a lot about corgis over the years. Yeah. And people are fans. Tell us their stories about what they do with their corgis and it Yeah. Inspires us too. Yeah.


And like they tell us about like their weird characteristics. Mm-hmm. And like we learned from someone at a convention that their corgi is very vicious and attacked a coyote once What? And I was like, what? Yeah, saved them. So like, yeah, so like we are constantly surprised and like we do a lot of, we watch a lot of Corgi videos and look at a lot of Corgi pictures. Oh, that's sweet. That's, yeah. So that we can animate the corgis more accurately and stuff. And that like the


perfect job. Yeah.


Yeah. That is, it seems like, I can't think of a better one, like off the top of my head. You know, it, I love the, I love the message guys. I love the, the general vibe of this game. I. I can't wait to, for the Kickstarter to be releasing. So the more people can get on board and support the process, I gotta a, I got several questions I want to ask you, but right off the top, I see a poster of a lot of corgis in the background. Um, yeah, yeah. Uh, like on the top I also see, was it Neico? Is that demon Slayer themed Corgi like poster up there? Yes. Yes. That is amazing. I love


that. Yeah. Yeah, we, we gone to Demon Slayer last year. Mm-hmm. And I, that's amazing. I just had to draw that. So that's what happened. And like below it's like a spy ex family.


Spy family. Yeah. That's Anya all them. Yeah. I love it. Yeah. I love it. So, you know, I know we're, well, before we get back to the game, I want to ask you, what's the, what's the anime you're currently watching right now? Uh. I don't think we are, you're not watching anything. We


currently aren't watching, uh, any anime. We kind of got bitten by a few anime last year and a year before that, like we, we watch, uh, wonder Egg Priority Uhhuh, and like, oh my gosh. Great concept. Love everything, but they, they just lost time or budget or something and the rest of the anime was just


fell flat. Crash. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I understand. Fill it out.


Yeah. And after that, you know, like other anime, like demons layer, you know


Yeah. Demons. We felt betrayed. Yeah. Yeah, I could, I could definitely see that. Did you like Spy's family? Do you feel like the endings hit hard for you there? Yeah, we


haven't watched season two yet. Yeah, that's what, that's what we need to watch.


Yeah. There there's some, there's some fun ones. Yeah. It seems like y'all, um, do y'all gravitate more towards the comedic animes more so, or the action style? I think


more, I like more drama stuff.


Yeah. Oh, that, that's


good. That's good. I love very serious stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Funny


enough. Yeah, just, just a light hint of of com, like comedy there, but mostly the serious dramas. I love that. Yeah, I like that. So yeah, for sure. So go back to the game though. Um, right now, uh, you know, like people have been checking out through packs. Where else can people find the game right now? Is there a Steam Link page? Yeah, you can go


to Steam and wishlist us and give us a follow too so you can see all the news and when the demo comes out. Yeah. And if you want earliest access to the demo, you can uh, sign our email [email protected]. And, uh, you'd also join our Discord and we have a nice wholesome community. Yeah, that's, uh, that'll be something people really, uh, I most people there love corgis. Yeah.


We have animated Corgi stickers. Yeah.


Oh, they got a corgi


butt sticker. Yeah. And people share their pet pictures and Oh, yeah. Yeah. Love. That's where we share a lot of like personal stuff, like, uh, behind the scenes, game development stuff. Oh. It's such


a wholesome community. Yeah. And, uh, I can't wait till the demo launches so that people can start chatting about that on the Discord too.


Yeah. Yeah. And so we'll find out news about the demo in, on the steam page, like through um, blog post updates, right? Yeah. You


can join our email list. That's the first place to get it. Okay. Yeah. And, uh, definitely follow on steam and


Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. That's exciting. That's exciting. So guys, I have three last questions for you. My first one is, what video game recommendations would you recommend to other people outside of your own game


that's within a


genre or nah, nah, just whatever you, whatever you feel like recommended to people. What, what game would you personally recommend to someone? Well, I think the number


one is if you. I think our game looks good. You know, go play a short hike, you


know? It's definitely, I love that. That's a good answer. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Definitely.


Uh, yeah. A wonderful cozy


game. Yeah. And gator game, definitely


game. Little gator game is really good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Alright, so my second, my second question before we get out, get outta here, is, You know, this one is a hard question. It has made many people traumatized, and that is, are you ready? Because it is time for our pro nerd trivia portion of the show where we asked our esteemed guests five different ca questions based on five different types of nerdy categories. I don't get to decide the rules, gentlemen, like. The Wheel of destiny. The wheel of destiny controls the fate. So, uhoh, what? So this is how the game works. We basically, we spin the wheel and then whatever category it lands on is the category y'all's question comes from. So without further ado, gentlemen, are you ready? Oh, yeah, yeah.


All right.


Bring it on. I love it. I love the enthusiasm. All right, so, Here we go. Our first question is in the realm of the M C U Marvel Cinematic Universe. Oh boy. Okay. Is that, is that a strong suit of y'all's? Do you feel like that's a weak one? I wouldn't say so. I've seen seen some of them though. Okay. A good portion. Okay. Okay. I like that. I like that. All right, so, alright, so who plays the character, Peter Quill and Guardians of the Galaxy? What actor plays Peter Quill in The Guardians of the Galaxy.


Is that Chris Pratt?


You are Got it. Correct. That is Chris Pratt. Indeed. There you go. Hooked on a feeling. All right. So there we go. So he got the first one, correct? They are one of one. Let's make it two of two. Let's see if they can do it. Um, our next category is in o. This is a hard one. Um, our next category is in the realm of Lord of the Rings. Ah, good Lord of the, oh, you're excited. Yeah, he's read all the books. I like that. I like that. So, Loyola Rings, uh, statistically our second hottest category behind Star Trek. Star Trek is our currently hardest category. We've only had two questions answered correctly throughout all the history of the show. Lo the rings though, a little bit better, 37% questions are answered correctly. Wow. So we'll see if you can, um, make that more. Let's see. What was the name of the character, Sam Wise? Ganji. Eventually married Rose. We'll take it Rosie. Yeah, we'll take it. Rosie. You were two of two. I love it. I love it. Do you remember what Rosie was famous for? Um, like what foods is like Sam always associated her for, this is not a question. I was just curious. No. I believe it was strawberries. Right? She was always like that does sound familiar. Yeah. Having like strawberries in her hands or something. Yes. That does sound familiar. Yeah. Sam was obsessed with like the sweet smell of strawberries. Like that was I love that. I love Sam. I do too. I do too. Such a good character. All right, so our next's category is in the realm of Batman. Batman trivia. Okay. Okay. So we're a little confident there. All right, so Batman trivia. All right. What fictional city does Batman operate in? Uh, Gotham. Gotham. They are three for three. They are three for three. I like this. I like this. Pressure's rising. It, it's, it really is. It really is. All right, so our next category, Is in the realm of Harry Potter. Harry Potter, okay. Are y'all confident with the this category? I've seen all the movies. Okay. Okay. That's a good start. What is the name of Haggard's Half Brother? Uh, what is the name of Hagar's Half Brother. In the realm of Harry Pasta. What is the name of Haggard iPhone? A friend, brother. Unfortunately we do not have any lifeblood. There's two y'all. Bl Yeah, I was


like, I was like, Five years old when Harry Potter was Harry Potter around Potter? Yeah.


No, she's, no, just kidding. I don't


even remember him having a sibling. Yeah,


I don't remember that at all.


So in, is that from a particular, um, book or


movie? Yeah, in um, um, I believe his half brother was introduced in, what was it? Um, what was that order of the Phoenix? Oh, okay. So that


his favorite?


No, actually I, I, that's my least favorite. His thing is it really? Harry Potter film Well Cuts. I, it's good enough, but it just makes me so depressed. It is. Because everyone's like


that movie had a lot of things


going on. Yeah. It had a lot. That was the drama movie where you really thought about it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A teen drama. Yeah, drama. Well, they're so mean to Harry.


Yeah. I don't know. So yeah, that, and I like Luna


though. Luna Love. Good. It's amazing. That's about probably one of my favorite characters. I, you know, like controversially speaking, that's the character I was hoping he'd end up with at the end. Does that, yeah, I would, I would agree. I felt like they were building towards that with him, like them both being like, almost like, you know, lu they both lost their one parent, like Luna lost her mother and he also lost like both of his parents. They like, they were both like ostracized from society, you know, like both of them were outcasts. I felt like they were building up to that like, A found, found relationship there and it just sort of dropped the ball and went back to Guinea, the stalker weasley. So I was a little, little salty that she was, was she not like stalk? She was a stalker. Was she not like stalking this man for like the whole like half of the half the books there? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, she went from stalking to like, she, the next thing you know, she had like three boyfriends and that made Harry like pay attention to her. It, yeah, that's, that's what it took. Yeah. It was like Harry Potter was like the prequel to the u um, the U show from Netflix where like the, with the stalker and such like that. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm like, it's, it's crazy. But ELAs, do you know the answer? What was the name of Hagger Tap brother? No, no. It is Grump Grump. Gross.




But you know, you, you came really close. Like you got almost uhhuh all You were on a roll. You were, you were on a roll. Yeah, we were. Go on a roll. Alright, so you have one last question left. And it is in the realm of Disney. In the realm of Disney. Okay. So, all right. Can you name. The adoptive parent cat in, in the, in the Disney movie, the Aristo Cats. This cat was the main character of the movie, and he was the adoptive parent at the end for the three other kittens.


Uh, I haven't seen that in way too long.


Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen


it. Never seen previous, never. Mm-hmm.


Or like a singalong.


Yeah, the, the singalongs are really good. His name was Thomas, the o Thomas O'Malley. Thomas O'Malley cat. Mm-hmm. Like the alley cat. But, so my next question w my next question, like the question it almost landed on when he went to Disney is, can you name the dog who sung? Why should you worry an Oliver and Company? No, no, I was wondering as dog. As dog bls, if y'all are gonna get that one. We've


seen a lot of live action


dog movies, Oliver and Company. I don't even remember that. Oliver and Cuffy. It sounds


familiar. Yeah, it was, um, it was a movie that came out in the, the nineties. Um, a pretty popular Disney movie, but not, not, or the eighties, I think it was 88. But like, it was, it had Billy Joel starring, um, Dodger the, the Dog. Mm-hmm. And such like that, so, oh, yeah. Yeah. But anyways, I digress. You did pretty well. You got three of the questions, right? And before we, yeah. Before we get outta here, and I want to emphasize one last time, where can the good people find you and where can people find this game?


Well definitely wishlist on us on Steam. It's a corgis cozy hike. It's pretty easy to find with just, uh, knowing Corgi


and cozy. Yeah, for sure.


Um, and a corgis cozy is our website where you can sign up to our email list and uh,


yeah, you can see it at trailer, you can see where we've been featured, and it has the links to all our social medias and discord.


Yeah. Which, uh, rescue Pets Game is our handle on Twitter and Instagram and, yeah. YouTube,


so all the social media platforms basically up.


Yeah, you gotta do that


nowadays. Yeah, you really do. You gotta make it universal. So guys, I do wanna say thank y'all for being on the show. It's been a pleasure talking to y'all. I love, love the concept of the game. Love the mission statement, love what y'all are doing. I can't wait to, for the demo to come out and for more people to get their hands on playing this game. It's absolutely cozy. It's wonderful. Thank y'all guys for creating such a wonderful project and thanks for being on the show.


Yeah. Thank you. Thank you


so much for having


us. Yeah, we appreciate it, the help so much. And we, we, it was a lot of fun.


Thank y'all so much. Um, everybody go check them out. The links for all those will be in the description below. They're going to send the links. I'm gonna make sure it's all in the description so you don't have to go anywhere. You don't even have to hunt them down. Just listen to the episode, click down below and go, wishlist this game. Definitely go show them some love. So, In the meanwhile, thank y'all so much for listening to today's episode. I've been Sebastian, that has been my esteemed guest. You already know where to find them. They have been wonderful. I absolutely love them on the, uh, having them on the show. That's been Dan and that's been Johnson. And we're out everyone. Bye. Woo. so that's a wrap for this episode of The Single Player Experience. I wanna give a special shout out and thank you to Dan and Johnson for being on the show today. I also wanna let you know about the single player experience Discord server. It's the perfect place for single player gamers to talk about the good single player games they've been playing lately, and to get video game recommendations. Think of it kind of like a book club for single player gamers. The link to join will be in the description. Once you're in, feel free to share your video game backlog list. Talk about the good games you've been playing, or give your feedback on the show if you have a game that you think should be recommended or that you think I should talk about. Let me know in the single Player Experience Discord server. I'll see you there. Before we go, I just want to thank you so much for listening to today's episode. Stay safe, stay gamming, and I hope to catch you in the next one. Peace.

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