Did Unity Fumble the Bag Ft. Alec Tuab
What’s up and welcome to the Single Player experience. In this episode our host, Sebastion Mauldin Sits down with reoccurring guest Alex Tuab to talk about the Unity price changes and their new post-backlash pricing structure. How is this going to impact indies and whether or not, Unity made a huge mistake?
They also talk about the recent happening with Destiny 2, some video games news, and Alec is going to attempt the ProNerd Trivia Challenge.
Alec is a game developer, an avid Destiny player, and one of the dopest guys on planet Earth.
We’ve got all this and more on this episode of The Single Player Experience podcast!
Alec’s Social Links:
Instagram: @cygnusstudiosllc
Twitter: @LlcCygnus
Sebastion and The Single Player Experience Links:
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Connect with Sebastion:
Write In Here: https://pronerdreport.com/contact/
We’ve got all this and more on this episode of The Single Player Experience!